Flatio, Lisbon - Monthly rentals with a human touch
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Lisbon, Португалия: Read reviews from both tenants and landlords who've had rental experiences in this destination!

Andreia P. Tenant
Penso que é cedo para avaliar.
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27.04.2021 Lisbon
João O. Landlord
Navegação complicada e sem certos detalhes importantes. Impossível perceber a comissão da Flatio sem fazer contas.
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30.07.2021 Lisbon
Sebastian F. Tenant
Cant find any reviews or comments of other guests in the apartment descriptions .
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20.07.2021 Lisbon
João O. Landlord
Inserimos listings dizendo que animais não são permitidos, potenciais inquilinos com animais fazem pedido na mesma e somos obrigados a rejeitar, não nos deixando opçao.
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01.07.2021 Lisbon
Faysel A. Tenant
My discount code did not apply, I will cancel immediately if I've been missled
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17.06.2021 Lisbon
Sandra V. Tenant
This is the first time using it. We don't have much to say yet, but we're hoping to be thrilled with Flatio!
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13.06.2021 Lisbon
Jorge S. Tenant
Só dei esta nota porque é a minha primeira experiência, e que ainda não está concluída
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06.06.2021 Lisbon
Cynthia S. Tenant
Most of the housing I was interested in was not available for the months I needed.
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28.05.2021 Almada
Emil T. Tenant
I am not «not» satisfied, it’s just too early to ask me if I’d recommend it.
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28.05.2021 Lisbon
Joana C. Tenant
Não consigo receber feedback dos proprietários
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28.05.2021 Lisbon
Cristina D. Tenant
List Internet options and facilities
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01.03.2021 Costa da Caparica
Globalcasa L. Landlord
Pagamentos no dia do checkin; Condições de Cancelamento mais restritivas
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11.02.2021 Lisbon
Alessandra R. Tenant
Não tem como falar com o Proprietário antes de confirmar reserva?
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19.01.2021 Lisbon
Quentin R. Tenant
too many fees
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01.01.2021 Lisbon
William S. Tenant
Slow loading on everything
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29.10.2020 Lisbon
Liangou S. Tenant
Really high deposit and not complete description of the features (closet, exact heating system etc)
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16.11.2020 Lisbon