Flatio, Prague - Monthly rentals with a human touch
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Prague, Чехия: Read reviews from both tenants and landlords who've had rental experiences in this destination!

Lars G. Tenant
Use the same exchange rates for every payment. Now the tenant has to guess by himself what the exchange rate is.
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18.06.2022 Prague
Hui J. Tenant
Ještě nevíme. Až budeme mít pronajatý byt, dáme vám zpětnou vazbu:-)
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24.05.2022 Prague
Juliette R. Tenant
Please indicate that prices can varies according to the payment method and that the amount you pay by bank transfert varies depending on the value of the money. Not everyone know that
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10.05.2022 Prague
Ansten K. Tenant
Users should be informed immediately about how Flatio works, in particular how it differs from airbnb. It is a confusing experience until one understands that a "reservation" is just a request.
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10.05.2022 Prague
Ana D. Tenant
It's difficult to see the continue link, because the word are in white and the background is white.
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02.05.2022 Prague
Francisca S. Tenant
I am not very satisfied with Flatio services because every month when I payed the rent even though I did with 4/5 days before, they never had it register in their website and every month they told me I was missing one rent.
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23.03.2022 Prague
Francisca S. Tenant
You dont have much apartments
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11.07.2021 Prague
Valerii L. Tenant
Can't see a 100% discount on service fees for Ukrainian people yet. But maybe it will be further?
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20.03.2022 Prague
Leticia G. Tenant
When I had issues, Flatio was very responsive and helped me solve them. However, I think paying nearly 200 euros of fee for the service is not worth it. As I worked and studied, I thought Flatio would help me rent somewhere good, trusting I wouldn't need to visit it. The flat was not what I expected, if I had visited I would have known. For the photos, it can seem much nicer, cleaner and modern than it actually is. I had better luck renting with Airbnb in Prague.
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15.03.2022 Prague
Lucie R. Tenant
Zatím moc málo zkušeností - resp. jen jedna neúspěšná. Pevně věřím, že se to změní!
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15.03.2022 Prague
Nie mogę wyrazić opinii, ponieważ pierwsza transakcja nie została jeszcze przeze mnie zrealizowana
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07.03.2022 Prague
Valerij K. Tenant
Moc znaku mam napsat
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25.02.2022 Prague
Eleonora M. Tenant
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02.01.2022 Prague
Renata S. Tenant
Flatio je platforma, fungující velmi podobně, jako Airbnb. Nabídka bytů není špatná, vybrali jsme si tu. Ale bylo by dobré, kdyby se klient dozvěděl hned zpočátku, když začíná vyplňovat objednávku, že provize Flatia je poměrně vysoká a že ji platí právě on. Pokud to někde ve vašich podmínkách je, pak je to špatně dohledatelné. Až když má klient za sebou poměrně velké a únavné množství předchozích administrativních kroků, dozví se najednou, že mu cena pronájmu poměrně významně stoupne. Také některé otázky ve formuláři jsou zbytečně příliš osobní. Chápu, že majitel bytu potřebuje vědět, komu svůj majetek pronajímá, ale kdybychom kvůli rekonstrukci našeho bytu nepotřebovali najít rychle náhradní bydlení, kvůli tomuhle bychom se rozhodli objednávku nedokončit.
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02.12.2021 Prague
Dmitry P. Tenant
Na to abych to doporucil Flatio svym pratelum je prilis brzo, zatim s tim nemam zadnou zkusenost, ani pozitivi, ani negativni
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01.12.2021 Prague
Louise C. Tenant
I would like to contact the landlord directly to ask some questions before i have to fill in a reservation.
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28.11.2021 Prague
Josef K. Tenant
Velmi nizka uroven podpory pro firemni zakazniky
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03.11.2021 Prague
Emine Simge K. Tenant
No one accepts my letters.
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17.11.2021 Prague
Margarita G. Tenant
The landlord didn't answer to my reservation :(
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20.10.2021 Prague
Emanuel L. Tenant
Too much fee :(
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08.10.2021 Prague
Josef K. Tenant
pomala odezva. jako firmni zakaznik bych celak lepsi uroven podpory. Dlouho trva, nez zaregsitrujete prichozi prvni platbu a dokoncite smlouvu tak, abych videl kontakty na pronajimatele.
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04.10.2021 Prague
Moises M. Tenant
You should be straightforward with the final price, i.e, include service fees, any outstanding rent payment even when renting for just one month, etc.
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01.10.2021 Prague
Veronika S. Tenant
neprijemny servis
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04.08.2021 Prague
Fabian M. Tenant
Not anymore - prices have become really unreasonable and there are much better options out there right now. Which a shame because the customer service is good, as well as the contract design.
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04.08.2021 Prague