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Daniel T.
Юни 2020
Daniel stayed 2 days in Prague
Нет слов даже
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Ladislav K.
Май 2020
Ladislav stayed 1 month in Prague
V potaz jsme vzali jen cenu ubytování, vše ostatní bylo hrozné. Postele byly plné zvířecí srsti což je pro alergika úplně super. Toaleta neustále protíkala, stínící žaluzie odpadávala.
Co se týče skupin obyvatel tohoto domu byla to vážně katastrofa. Střídá se tam ohromné množství lidí kteří bez klíčů čekají před vraty než je někdo pustí do objektu. A když se pak oknem koukáte na člověka co si právě chystá dávku kterou si chce pak píchnout, je Vám z toho zle. Mimo jiné neustálý hluk a hádky spolubydlících v domě.
Za mě jedině plus co se týkalo ceny jinak vícekrát již ne, děkujeme.
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Birol A.
Март 2020
Birol stayed 1 month in Prague
flat owner not honest and oppurtinist person without any investigation he can easly blame you lack of nobilty
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Boglárka P.
Март 2020
Boglárka stayed 2 months in Budapest
Well, I really dont know where to begin. First when i steped front of the door i had to realise i have a "neighbor" who is actually a very noisy flatmeat!
The Apartman was very,very,very dirty (disgusting) My opinion is, If i stay somewhere more than a week or just more than few days (for me it was 1.5 month) i need a few cleaning equipment ( e.g. a mop, so i had to buy clean products and equipment too).
Everything in the room is very low quality (kitchen cupboard,stairs,table, chairs literally fall appart..)
The only one window have a certain, that is impossible to fix to someone doesnt look in...
and the wardrobe had a massive cigarette fetor. ( i had to buy 2 scent to make this smell endurable)
In the bathroom the water heater never made enough water to normally wash my hair ( shoulders length) when i having a shower, and never dreaming about shaving and hair wash in the same time.
In the kitchen never is hot....not even warm water to wash your dishes (that of course i also had to buy more..)
With an expensive price for this small room,i accepted something special. Only special thing was my fustration. And for this price the minimum is to be liveable .( I think minimalist doesnt mean Nothing.)
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Michael H.
Февруари 2020
Michael stayed 5 months in Prague
Neudělejte stejnou chybu jako já a nepokoušejte se rezervovat bydlení u tohoto nespolehlivého člověka. Poprvé jsem si u pana Radima zarezervoval bydlení a zaplatil 1. nájem 25.04.2019, s tím, že nastěhovat jsem se měl 07.09.2019. Bral jsem to jako hotovou věc a na léto jsem odjel do zahraničí. Nicméně v červenci mě kontaktovalo Flatio s tím, že pan Radim si přeje rezervaci zrušit. Takže jsem musel narychlo shánět bydlení už za celkem nevýhodných podmínek a navíc ze zahraničí. Nicméně mi pan Radim osobně po telefonu nabídl, že bych u něj mohl bydlet od dubna 2020. Po nějaké době jsem na to kývl, 10. července 2019 jsem vytvořil rezervaci přes tento portál a zaplatil 1. nájem. V září jsem pana Radima kontaktoval, zda s bydlením můžu počítat na 100% a zda se nebude opakovat předchozí situace. Ujistil mě, že bydlení mám jisté a že se mnou na 100% počítá. Asi není těžké odhadnout, jak to pokračovalo. V lednu 2020 opět telefonát z Flatia s tím, že pan Radim se rozhodl rezervaci zrušit.
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Thomas P.
Януари 2020
Thomas stayed 29 days in Prague
I didn't rated 0 because I already knew what i was walking into.
To stay fair, the basics were there.
The washing machine, cooking hobs, fridge and heater were working.
The location wasn't great ( a king of basement of a building ), the communication with the owner was complicated. I had the feeling he didn't really care of the well-being of his tenants, as long as he is getting paid.
The information to collect the keys were very vague and the location far from the apartment.
I didn't get more information from the people of the agencies who gave me the keys.
When texted the owner about internet, he replied that i had to look for a modem, which I found after searching the apartment but the connection wasn't working and my phone signal was very poor ( I think due to basement location ), so i basically didn't have internet inside the apartement.
The overall feels old, almost unhealthy to live in.
The cooking ustensiles are very used, the bed slats keep falling down and there was not even a chair at the kitchen table.
To top it all, there were a lot of dirt and cigarette butts under the bed.
When I tried to rent it the first time for a quite high price, the owner cancelled it because he considered the price too low ( It feels like he is playing on the stock market with his different apartements )
I took it because I got a job offer on very short notice close to Košická street but you should really avoid it . Any place is better than this.
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Federico R.
Декември 2019
Federico stayed 1 month in Prague
Poorly furnished, no internet (the modem was in another flat, almost no signal). The sink was badly fixed with tape before my arrival. It massively leaked and they fixed it when I wasn’t there despite I asked to be present because I had my staff there. I had to write the landlord to get basic information about heat system and internet and had to wait even two days for a reply. Worst bed I’ve ever slept in, the sheets didn’t even cover the entire surface.
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Amirhossein G.
Декември 2019
Amirhossein stayed 1 month in Prague
He is a pefect man kind and generous but his flat was awful
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Miss Mariama Mariama L.
Ноември 2019
Miss Mariama Mariama stayed 6 months in Prague
Not good full of mosquitoes no TV no sofa empty dirty towels thouse damaged furniture the landlord asked me to pay her damage items Czech Coronas 5000 and and she fretting me not happy at all
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David P.
Октомври 2019
David stayed 3 months in Prague
Renting from Mr. Uhrman was extremely unpleasant and I strongly discourage anyone from working with him. If you choose not to listen, then you're taking the biggest risk of your entire life. This man simply can't be trusted and neither can any of his colleagues that I worked with. They are all liars involved with some scheme that I know nothing about. Play at your own risk with Mr Uhrman. Now, first of all, when I moved in, the toilet was extremely filthy. I called one of his assistance and she made a joke out of it, rudely requesting that I take a picture of the toilet and clean it myself. Also, the apartment was setup very dangerously, causing constant bump of the head against the cabinets in the kitchen and bathroom so much that one can get seriously injured. Suspiciously dangerous setup. The windows had inadequate curtaining, even in the bathroom, which allowed anyone outside to easily see right inside and provided very little protection from the sun. Bring plenty of sunscreen! There were no blinds to cover the windows and when i spoke to the same lady about it, she again rudely told me to take a picture of it. This seemingly retarded woman said that people don't use window blinds in the Czech Republic and almost everyone has them on their windows in the neighborhood and all over Prague! At that point, I overtly refused to take any more pictures for her, and quite frankly, she needs to hire a photographer if she wants pictures and stop asking tenants to do her dirty work without paying for it. Sorry lady, I don't work for free! She was extremely disrespectful at the outset, she was obnoxious and sinister towards me, obviously just for being a foreigner, which is why nobody should work with them. I'm shocked that these people don't appreciate foreigners bringing them business. They don't deserve your business, so don't give them any money. These people obviously have no honor or integrity and make their country look terrible before the world. The only reason why people behave towards others in that manner for no reason is because they're completely miserable. Another serious problem was that Mr. Uhrman's colleague promised to deliver a modem after the day I moved in, and he never did. So I had to go and get my own Internet setup and pay for Internet service that Mr. Uhrman was supposed to provide. The same lady said in such an obviously scandalous, dishonest and obnoxious way "oh, I'm sorry, my 'cooolleague' had a misunderstanding." She then claimed the place had WIFI and it didn't work at all. Just a complete joke. Then she said "hit me up" if I needed any more help with anything. Actually, the WIFI signal was so weak that it didn't even provide more than 1 MBPS download. That's Internet access Mr Uhrman style! Be super careful if you work online or like using the Internet. When I tried to contact her about unannounced visitors showing up at the doorstep, some Vietnamese person who couldn't understand anything answered and said he didn't even know her. Please NOTE: During the 3 months that I stayed there. More than 6 people showed up on 6 different occasions wanting to enter the apartment without any notice. That's never happened anywhere I've lived in the whole world. These are obviously very "special" people. I kindly requested that they give me a simple text or an email message if they needed to come in for any reason. They never respected that, and kept coming over disturbing me, waking me up and asking to come in. After I let one of his unannounced people in, he started doing all of this extensive work taking a lot of time and then I found him in the bathroom washing his face in the sink! This is not the communist era, but unfortunately some people haven't caught up with the rest of the world. On one occasion, someone who appeared to be Mr. Uhrman himself wearing glasses actually walked in the apartment without any notice. He knocked once and then just walked in when I wasn't even dressed for a visitor! I think he wanted to see me naked! I asked who he was and if he worked there, and he got scared and walked away. I then yelled at him very loudly and told him not to ever do that again! On another occasion, someone with the key showed up with a backpack, and I told him outright that he absolutely needs to give some sort of notice before just showing up with the intent to enter the place if he thinks that I'm not there like Mr. Uhrman did. I think he wanted to steal my computers or other belongings, which is why he was wearing a backpack and looking very suspicious! Attempted theft or burglary may have been involved, I'm a lawyer from California, and this conduct is tantamount to burglary. In many jurisdictions around the world and maybe even in the Czech Republic under EU Law, any tenant would have a legal cause of action against Mr. Uhrman. I would not hesitate to sue him immediately if anything happened while I was living there. The Flatio team was helpful providing great customer service, so my complain has nothing to do with them. I just say to be careful who you work with and associate with, especially after you already know in your heart who they are. Their bad karma will spread to you if you deal with them. Because of weirdos like these, I'll never return to Prague again and spend my money. They don't attract people, they only repel.
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Anna H.
Септември 2019
Anna stayed 17 days in Prague
I don't recommend this accommodation.
Bylo to hrozné. Nebyl tam ani kastrol ani čistící prostředky. Najednou přestal fungovat internet. Skříň taky tam není.
Já to nedoporučuji.
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Phil B.
Септември 2019
Phil stayed 14 days in Prague
Zero communication, flat not clean at all, we requested extra sheets and towels, no response... In description, it says"Cable TV" there is the cable, but no TV !!! The only response I receive 48 hours later from the owner: "telefonicky" ... Waited 45 minutes in front of the door when check in. It's a shame as location and price are good.
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Quentin C.
Август 2019
Quentin stayed 22 days in Prague
Where to start ?
I’ve had only two messages from the owner and he didn’t even tell me how to check in,
I had to wait 2 hours to get the key because they didn’t know where they were,
I didn’t had the correct address, I had to double check for the right address and nobody showed up for the check in
When I came inside the apartment it was so dirty (toilet never cleaned up, the kitchen doesn’t have a bowl, moisture on the bedsheets and plates unusable) that I had to spend 20€ in cleaning furnitures.
And to finish nobody showed up for the check out .
My conclusion: if you want to enjoy a great experience don’t go with this apartment
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David P.
Август 2019
David stayed 1 month in Brno
Don't trust him. He's a dirty liar. Don't say you weren't warned...
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Anna B.
Август 2019
Anna stayed 1 month in Vienna
Preferred communication out of Flatio, not responsible, didn't let to keep the luggage at the room. The room was double bed, after two weeks another friend should move in, she didn't let him stay. He had to leave to nowhere. Don't understand English, prefer communicating in German, stopped replying in the end and was shouting at me. I am a student, doing volunteership in Vienna
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Noe S.
Май 2019
Noe stayed 1 month in Prague
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Kamil K.
Май 2019
Kamil stayed 3 months in Prague
Room it self was preety dirty once I moved. Other tenants are really nice. Landlord is willing to cooperate.
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Zihara G.
Април 2019
Zihara stayed 2 months in Prague
We book one appartment but they give another one which was dirty. They cancel our keys with no reason. They have stole me more than one rent and they do not want to refound my money, thisis totally imacepgable! Do not remt with them if you want to have a nice appartment and good relationship.
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Manuel M.
Април 2019
Manuel stayed 1 month in Prague
Cuando llegamos el piso se encontraba en un estado que no se podía vivir, la nevera llegó incluso a tener moho. La cama se rompió a los pocos días y ni si quiera respondió el casero. Y nos llegó incluso a decir que no le escribiesemos tanto cuando simplemente queríamos un sitio decente. La experiencia fatal.
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Linda Č.
Април 2019
Linda stayed 1 month in Prague
Byt sám o sobě byl v pořádku, okolí bylo nádherné. Ale už od prvního dne jsme řešili problémy. nejdřív dostali jsme jiný byt než jsme chtěli. Skutečná legrace ale nastala když jsme zjistili že v bytě jsou štěnice. S panem majitelem jsme za celou dobu nemluvili, všechno řešila paní správcová. Říkali jsme se, že to se stát může, přecijen se střídají nájemníci. Ale po deratizaci nám pán řekl, že už v bytě někdo profesionální deratizaci prováděl a správně by tam neměl nikdo bydlet. Šlo o kolonii která tam musela být už v řádu měsíců. Paní nám ale předtím tvrdila že to určitě není možné a že je mořné, že jsme původci my, i když se to tam už před čtvrt rokem muselo řešit. Před nastěhováním jsme viděli několik špatných recenzí, ale říkali si, že to nebude tak zlé. Ale určitě to za to nestálo... Jo a taky nefungoval internet a měsíc jsme žili z wi-fi z vedlejšího pokoje a náš původní pobyt nám ze dne na den zkrátili ze tří měsíců na měsíc, protože se to prý může.
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Madeline B.
Април 2019
Madeline stayed 2 months in Prague
To be honest, this was the worst flat experience we've ever had. Everything was attractive on the picture. There was supposed to be everything supplied as written on the short description : kettle, micro wave... But to our great surprise, nothing was there when we arrived. Moreover, how can the owner rent a flat without any curtains or shutters ? Then, we were given a another flat, with an amazing smoke fragance, and the cleaning had not been done. So what a good thing to find the ground so dirty with cigarette buts left on it. After we did on our own our personal cleaning, the "nightmare" lasted.
We rented for 5 months and after 1 month we were put out, WITHOUT REASONS. We have never managed to contact the owner, which is unacceptable!
How can you explain that all the flats were then again on the website with an increase of more than 400 euros? If it is not a swindle, how can you call that?
We contacted him, after a lot of messages and calls, he answered once and then radio silence. He never proposed to us another way to find a flat, never answered again and let us in this mess.

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Laura Y.
Февруари 2019
Laura stayed 13 days in Prague

The area is beautiful, the neighborhood is great. The apartment is lackluster, smaller than it seemed via photos, a bit dirty. Crooked toilet seat cover, no hook for the shower head, hot water ran out quicky,dishes and kitchen equipment dirty.

All this I could have delt with and would not have complained. However there was a bed bug problem.

When I spoke to the landlord about it she offered a new mattress and sheets. I tried to explain that while that would be nice it would not make the bugs go away. It needed to be treated professionally cleaned and sprayed.

She agreed to have this done in two days. To her credit she did get a new mattress and have the apartment cleaned. But it was a maid cleaning not pest control, and did not solve the bed bugs.

When I brought this up to flatio and the landlord again it became an issue. Flatio claimed as she "toook action* by cleaning the flat, that I could not leave my contract, or be put in another flat, basically said there was nothing they could do.
The landlord was annoyed, said they had done all they could and thought it was ridiculous I was still upset. The landlord was conveniently out of town during all this, and had her daughter call me, her daughter even went so far as to blame me for ruining the mattress and saying they fixed everything and I had no reason to complain and tried to use my visa restrictions against me.

Regardless of my Visa status the flat had bedbugs which I informed them of as soon as I realised what it was. 14 days I had to stay, getting bitten and fighting with flatio and the landlord. In the end we ended the contract and I was able
Find much better accommodations.
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Monica M.
Януари 2019
Monica stayed 2 months in Prague
I was living here for two months and we felt like if they were controlling us all time. Mostly the first month.
They told us every week they did the bed linen change and the second month they didn’t change it not even once
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Alžbeta S.
Януари 2019
Alžbeta stayed 2 months in Warsaw
If I could I wouldn´t get even 1 on this rating. It was horrible experience. We came to Warsaw for 6 months. We work as a flight attendants. We found that perfect flat at this website. Everything seemed all right, we signed contract. The day we came to Warsaw after 7 hour journey from Slovakia by car we arrived to for us new big city to accomodate and to meet the person responsible for that flat and keys. He never picked up phone, his communication was only through sms. He texted that we shoul come to some place in the city to meet him because he is outside with his friends! He barely introduce himself, gave me keys and other information about that apartment, nothing how it is working there and bla bla...We were tired so okay we came to the flat it looked good and nice. I came to move in with my boyfriend to help me with all those stuff and other rooomates came later that night. So we slept there first night, and my boyfried woke up with maybe 10 bites on hus skin. We thought it was just some mosquitos. Then he left home to Slovakia. Me and my 3 roomates we were slowly getting used to that flat but after few days one of my roomate started to have bites on her body as well. We were again thinking that it is because of some mosquitos or sth. But when she started to had like 40 of bites on her skin it started to be weird and annoying. We found out that we are having a bed bugs at our apartment. It was obvious after we read and learn something from the internet. All those bites and black dots at our beds, pillows...So I texted Lukas (person/contact responsible for that apartment) that we are having bed bugs so we need deratization and so on. He texted back with answer that we brought them to the flat! I was totally upset and angry about his answer! He accused us that we are responsible for that! UNBELIEVABLE! We read a lot about bed bugs on the internet and found out that it was not us! It could not be! It takes minimum 1-2 months to reproduce bed bugs that they are visible. And at the end deratizer/exterminator he approved that it had to be before we move in. Because there was adult bed bugs...But backt to Lukas and his way of solving our bed bug problems. He texted that he will organize support for that. According to flatio contract he is responsible for solving problems within 24 hours. He managed that some erexterminator came after THREE DAYS of waiting!!!! Can you imagine to live and sleep at the apartment like this full of bed bugs? Okay exterminator made 1st desinsection. As we found out later he done it completely wrong and too expensive. And yeah good point is that WE paid for that service for desinsection!!! After 1st round it needs to be done 2nd round of desinsection after one week. And also when we once came to flat we found another alive bed bugs. So again I texted Lukas that it is time for second round. He did not care about how we were doing how it was at that flat how is the situation nothing... So he texted us that he again manage something...We did not want to even sleep there so we booked hotel room instead. We were too afraid. He and all the the administration of the owner Wojciech Maniecki were not able to manage good support with this problem. So we decided to find exterminator for desinsection by ourselves. We called one man and his company in Warsaw that we found on the internet. He was awesome, firstly his communication and he was able to speak english with us! OMG MIRACLE! He explain everything to us, how it works, how it is with bed bugs and he told us that when we found an adult bed bugs it was for sure there longer and before we move out. And we told him about 1st desinsection how it was performed. He told us that it was absolutely wrong and it shoul not be performed like this. We made a deal with him that he will take care of it. It was perfect communication and service with him and his company. And again WE PAID for the whole service toghether 850 PLN plus doing laundry after desinsection, because it was dirty because of the pesticides. We needed to tidy up and do the laudry with all those pillows, blankets all our clothes. And the worst part is that owner and his aministration (Lukas) they did not want to take responsibility that they put us in a flat with bad conditions and they even did not care about us and situation. Nobody came to see us, ask us what we need ´, how we may help you! This is how people in Warsaw help each other???? I woul like to see how he behave in our situation, what would he did if he was in that kind of situation with all those problems. We had nobody to help. And all the help we supposed to had was from the owner and his administration! Reality?? Help yourself we dont care! And they did not give money back to us to this day!!! And Lukas is not communicating with us proper way! I strongly do not reccommend Little HOME! Administration sucks, communication sucks, no help...
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