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What is Flatio's Move-in Guarantee and how can I use it?

The article was updated on 1. 9. 2023.

Our special Move-in Guarantee is your safety net for issues during your move-in. In this article, you can learn how it works in detail!

The Move-in Guarantee is an assistance service offered, managed, and paid for exclusively by Flatio to help in situations where: 

  • the accommodation doesn't match the listing description provided at the time of the reservation request; or 
  • staying in the original accommodation is not possible for other reasons and the condition cannot be remedied immediately.

Example cases: 

  • The landlord accommodated you at a different property than the one you booked and isn't able to fix the mistake.
  • There is no mattress (or other important equipment), although it was indicated in the listing description at the time of booking, making it impossible for you to stay in accommodation.
  • The accommodation is flooded due to a leak in the washing machine.
  • There is a major hygiene issue, such as an extensive mold, that can't be easily fixed.
  • Heating/electricity/water doesn't work properly.

In such cases, the tenant has the right to withdraw from the lease agreement in accordance with Flatio's General Terms and Conditions.  

To be able to claim the Move-in Guarantee, you need to inform Flatio via [email protected] about the withdrawal and provide supporting evidence. If you wish to use a 24/7 online emergency line instead, you can provide this information to AXA Assistance (their number will be sent to you on the move-in day via SMS).

The withdrawal is possible until 20:00 on the day after the start date stated on the lease agreement. So, for example, if your lease starts on Monday, you have until 20:00 the next day (Tuesday) to use the Move-in Guarantee service.

If the landlord won't be able to fix the issue within 48 hours and Flatio will approve the Move-in Guarantee request, we will fully refund you the entire first rent and the service fee. On top of it, we'll also reimburse you for up to 7 days of alternative accommodation in the amount of max. 125% of the original price per day.

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