Owner Edina's card - Flatio
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Edina M.
Neighborhood hero
Experienced host
Neighborhood hero
Experienced host
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Real home for 2 (a couple)
Real home for 2 (a couple)
Real home for 2 (a couple)
Real home for 2 (a couple)
Real home for 2 (a couple)
Real home for 2 (a couple)
Real home for 2 (a couple)
Real home for 2 (a couple)
Real home for 2 (a couple)
Real home for 2 (a couple)
Real home for 2 (a couple)
Real home for 2 (a couple)
Real home for 2 (a couple)
Real home for 2 (a couple)
Real home for 2 (a couple)
Real home for 2 (a couple)
Real home for 2 (a couple)
Real home for 2 (a couple)
Real home for 2 (a couple)
Real home for 2 (a couple)
Real home for 2 (a couple)
Real home for 2 (a couple)
Real home for 2 (a couple)
Real home for 2 (a couple)
Real home for 2 (a couple)
Real home for 2 (a couple)
Real home for 2 (a couple)
Real home for 2 (a couple)
Real home for 2 (a couple)
Real home for 2 (a couple)
Real home for 2 (a couple)
Real home for 2 (a couple)
Real home for 2 (a couple)
Real home for 2 (a couple)
Real home for 2 (a couple)
Real home for 2 (a couple)
Real home for 2 (a couple)
Real home for 2 (a couple)
Real home for 2 (a couple)
Real home for 2 (a couple)
Real home for 2 (a couple)
Real home for 2 (a couple)
Real home for 2 (a couple)
Real home for 2 (a couple)
Real home for 2 (a couple)
Real home for 2 (a couple)
Real home for 2 (a couple)
StayProtection + Stay Benefits
11. 2. - 15. 2. (5 days)
46  / night
All utilities included
Real home for 4 (or even more with kids)
Real home for 4 (or even more with kids)
Real home for 4 (or even more with kids)
Real home for 4 (or even more with kids)
Real home for 4 (or even more with kids)
Real home for 4 (or even more with kids)
Real home for 4 (or even more with kids)
Real home for 4 (or even more with kids)
Real home for 4 (or even more with kids)
Real home for 4 (or even more with kids)
Real home for 4 (or even more with kids)
Real home for 4 (or even more with kids)
Real home for 4 (or even more with kids)
Real home for 4 (or even more with kids)
Real home for 4 (or even more with kids)
Real home for 4 (or even more with kids)
Real home for 4 (or even more with kids)
Real home for 4 (or even more with kids)
Real home for 4 (or even more with kids)
Real home for 4 (or even more with kids)
Real home for 4 (or even more with kids)
Real home for 4 (or even more with kids)
Real home for 4 (or even more with kids)
Real home for 4 (or even more with kids)
Real home for 4 (or even more with kids)
Real home for 4 (or even more with kids)
Real home for 4 (or even more with kids)
Real home for 4 (or even more with kids)
Real home for 4 (or even more with kids)
Real home for 4 (or even more with kids)
Real home for 4 (or even more with kids)
Real home for 4 (or even more with kids)
Real home for 4 (or even more with kids)
Real home for 4 (or even more with kids)
Real home for 4 (or even more with kids)
Real home for 4 (or even more with kids)
Real home for 4 (or even more with kids)
Real home for 4 (or even more with kids)
Real home for 4 (or even more with kids)
Real home for 4 (or even more with kids)
Real home for 4 (or even more with kids)
Real home for 4 (or even more with kids)
Real home for 4 (or even more with kids)
Real home for 4 (or even more with kids)
Real home for 4 (or even more with kids)
Real home for 4 (or even more with kids)
Real home for 4 (or even more with kids)
Real home for 4 (or even more with kids)
Real home for 4 (or even more with kids)
Real home for 4 (or even more with kids)
Real home for 4 (or even more with kids)
Real home for 4 (or even more with kids)
Real home for 4 (or even more with kids)
Real home for 4 (or even more with kids)
StayProtection + Stay Benefits Guest-Verified
1. 6. - 5. 6. (5 days)
103  / night
All utilities included
About me
Hi! My name is Edina, i am an authentic local Budapester, born here, raising my kids here. As a host/landIord i am always available for my tenants and guests and i am dedicated to give exeptional hospitality and experience to all who encounter me during their journey throughout the globe. We have moved out of the flat in August 2023, that might be your next home far from your home. In some aspects, i am flexible, so if you are going to choose to rent it, we might adjust it to your needs, whether you would move with kids or your friends. Don't be afraid to ask! Looking forward to welcome you here!
Your hobbies
I am the mother of 2 girls, both under the age of 6. I am an enthusiastic 'green' person, doing zero waste for many years, teaching my kids how to protect nature and their own health. I love cooking from seasonal vegetables and i am supporting local farmers, producers. I like to do sports to keep my body fit and listen to podcasts to keep my mind busy. I am really happy if i can share my knowledge and experience with those who are interested in reaching on maintaining healthy habits and lifestyles. If you stay a little longer, i am happy to invite you over for a meal if you are keen on spending some time with us, exchanging some thoughts about the world and meeting a local family.

Last online
1 day
Registration on Flatio
Ноември 2023

Edina is a verified owner.
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